Sterling reserve b10

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How can whisky be consumed and Sterling Reserve B10?

Sterling Reserve B10

Sterling Reserve B10

Whisky is a regulated spirit worldwide and can be consumed in different ways. It is available in a variety of flavours from light to rich and smoky. The varieties of whisky differ in alcoholic content and quality.

Whisky is an alcoholic beverage made by distilling fermented grain mash. The flavour of whisky is due to the presence of congeners and fusel oils (higher alcohols). The smoky flavour of the whisky comes from the use of peat smoke used to treat the grain malt.

Most of the whiskies are chill-filtered where the fatty acid esters are allowed to precipitate and then the whisky is filtered. This is done mainly to improve the appearance of whisky. The unfiltered whisky tends to get cloudy when stored in cool temperatures.

Whisky should be consumed in a cup made up of glass or tin and other materials may react with the whisky. It can be consumed straight or added to a cocktail. Sterling Reserve B10 whisky is a blend of the finest Indian grain spirits and Scotch malts.

Before consuming whisky taste a sample to get an idea of the flavour and the aroma. If you like the taste of alcohol you may like drinking whisky neat. You can also smell the whisky to get an idea of the aroma and the notes. This will help you understand whisky better.

You should consume whisky in small sips. If you do not like the taste of whisky you can try a second and third sip to notice the flavour and the aroma. As it is an acquired taste it may take time to develop it.

You can add water to enhance the flavour of whisky and mix it. This will lessen the harshness of the whisky and bring out the subtle flavours. Add water as required to get the desired flavour. Add ice to whisky if you like it extra cold. As the ice melts it will dilute the whisky, so you can add large pieces which will melt slowly and not dilute the drink as much.


Classic cocktail

In this cocktail, sweet Bourbon whisky or spicy rye whisky can be used. To make this cocktail add:

1 sugar cube, 3 dashes of bitters, 1 shot of whisky and some ice cubes and stir. As the ice begins to melt add 1 more shot of whisky. Garnish the drink with a cherry.

Mint Julep

In this sweet Bourbon whisky is used. The better the quality of the Bourbon whisky the better the drink. To make the drink add:

Fresh mint, sugar cubes, 2 ounces of Bourbon whisky, 1 sugar cube and some crushed ice. Smash the fresh mint with a sugar cube and add the Bourbon whisky. Add the crushed ice and mix.

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